Book Marketing Strategies
6 secrets for an Author to boost sales.

Marketing is the one aspect authors always lament about and which also gives them the biggest hardship. Marketing your self-published book is a time consuming and difficult job. Whether you're a seasoned author or a first-time novelist, you're going to need to tap into your Authorpreneurial spirit to convince people to buy and to read your book. Start with these tips and build your authors' brand, leading to more and more sales as you as well as both your network and your backlist will grow. Learning how to market a self-published book is not a simple task, but the payoffs can be well worth it!
1) Build Relationships Before You Need Them
Start working on your book launch at least six months to one year in advance, because that's the minimum amount of time you need to build your relationship.
You should try to get under the radar of influencers by supporting them. If you have your platform, like a podcast or blog, interview them and give them exposure as much as possible. Sign up for their programs and be at their success stories.
When the time comes, send influencers copies of your book, and ask for an endorsement and/or a review. If they like the book enough, they might even promote it to their audiences.
2) Write A Killer Description
Even if your book is amazing, no one will pick it up and read it without knowing what it's about. That's where the "book description shines".
Your description is what you're using to sell your book. You should write a few versions of your description and after you're done writing those versions, get feedback on which one is the most effective. Marketing your book will be much easier with a great description on hand.
The description should be eye-catching and should always layout what the book is about. Don't give away plot points of course, but tease the most enticing elements to grab and hold reader's attention.
3) You are not only selling a product, but you are also selling yourself
Regardless of whether you are an enthusiastic beginner, self-publisher or an established member of the writers' society, when publishing one of the biggies, nobody is going to build your image for you. (Unless you hire a publicist, of course; but we are not talking about paid solutions here today.)
Building the right author brand helps you to distinguish yourself from a variety of authors and to establish a connection with your new and existing readers. Remember that everything you post on social media can be used for or against you: your political opinion, your favorite books, are all points based on which your potential readers are going to judge you.
Since people are going to judge you anyway, it is best if you take matters into your hand. It is best to create a writer's page as early as possible (and keep your personal profile private) so that you don't alienate anyone based on whatever you post and you don't drive your friends nuts by constantly bragging about your new book. (Which you should do, btw., as having written a book is a great achievement.)
Don't restrict yourself to only talking about your book on your book page: you are a complex person with several interests. It helps will help you to portray yourself as going on a journey while writing your book: you as an author have a starting point, have to overcome obstacles to reach your goals. When you are selling the story, you are also selling yourself: it helps your readers to build a connection with you.
4) There is no such thing as something called "too early"
E-book marketing doesn't start when your book is published. It doesn't even have to start after you've written a book. You can (and are recommended to) start promoting once you have started writing (friendly reminder: just make sure you finish it. Otherwise you will end up with hordes of disappointed potential readers!).
Do you write while listening to a particular playlist? Share it. Do you have drafts and doodles? Instagram them. There is nobody in the world who wouldn't like to see some "behind the scenes". Generate anticipation and raise interest: it will all pay back later, once your book is out, for sure.
5) Get Reviews
An author should put a lot of effort into getting those reviews. With the book itself and to his email list. Ask readers to post a review. You should ask readers to post their honest opinions, as soon as they read the book. They're entitled to their opinions.
One thing that will work well is to send a free copy of the printed book to those who are willing to post their honest reviews.
6) Go Beyond the Book
A book launch doesn't have to be the end goal. It should be the beginning of a much larger process, such as a product launch or a marketing funnel. This will help you to build your authority and to create more revenue for you.
To do this, communicate with the book readers often, so that you own and control your relationship with them.