Book Editing & Proof Reading
Editing and proofreading are essential parts of the writing process. they assist with the effectiveness of your writing style and thus the clarity of your ideas. Often, students and writers think that they are similar, but there are apparent differences between the two . Editing requires you reread your draft to ascertain for more significant issues, including organization, paragraph structure, and content. However, once you proofread, you're that concentrate on finding and correcting errors in writing, grammar, and language.
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Our team will check for the basic spelling errors and rectify them. Also, new vocabulary enables you to express your thoughts better and explore different perspectives.
Punctuation Check
Writing mistakes may cause people to doubt that authority. As a writer, deliver your message from a position of power and not from one of weakness.
Grammar Check
Our team will check for the basic punctuation errors and rectify them. Grammar check is absolutely critical in ensuring your work is perfect.
Everything you need to become a
Best Seller Author!
At OrangeBooks Publication, you get the best options for proofreading your manuscript at lower cost with high quality work every time.
We have 2 types of packages to choose from according to your needs.
Basic Copy Editing and
In Basic copy editing and proof reading service we provide editing and proof reading of text to ensure that it is grammatically error free and consistence.
The cost of this is Rs. 0.50 per word for English Text.
Comprehensive Copy Editing and
Proofreading (Advance)
In this we ensure that the editing of language of book is done throughout keeping orientation towards concept, story plot, presentation and all other essential aspects.
The cost of this is Rs. 0.70 per word for English Text.